Mon 27 Jan
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE*~ Avail MONDAY 2/21 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 36
ℴ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃ Upscale + Sophisticated | Busty | Curvy Asian -- Delia London ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ℴ✘ℴ✘ℴ✘ - 24
(In & outcalls, Lincoln)
🎀 O_P_E_N💜M_I_N_D_E_D 🎀 HoTTiE 💋 R.E.A.D.Y. to PLEASE... ToTaL SaTiSfAcTiOn!💜♥♥♥♥ - 23
(In call or Outcall, Lincoln)
♥ — M—i—§—§ —— ♥¦; —— P—®—E—†—†—Y —— ♥ K-- I-- T--T T--Y_ - 23
(Lincoln, lincoln..downtown..incalls)
✅✨✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨✴SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆Frεαkγ👅💄SEXY👙 Juicγ 💦 AvAilABle 📞NoW ❗ - 23
(Omaha, Omaha & Surrounding area)
New 2 you **** ELLIE **** Sweet, Sexy, Tiny, kinky - 26
(Lincoln, lincoln nebraska ,air port, all areas)
Take A Peek➡➡➡SpEciAlS w/FlAwLeSS BlOnDe BoMbShEll 💯 CeRtIfIeD to rock ur WoRld - 23
(Lincoln, lincoln omaha surrounding areas)
Non-Rushed Session with the Girl next door
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
The GIRL Next DOOR **Unleash Your Private Fantasy!** - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In the city)
✿♥✿♥✿ Ultimate Pleasure With Me ✿♥✿♥✿ - 23
(Grand Island, In/Out, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
✋STOP!👀LOOK!🍭Tiff is Ready 4u! 💋♋💚🎁Exotic BodyMassage? 🚻Companionship? ⏰SeriousCalls📱Outcall - 24
(Lincoln, Outcall)
~Petite * Sexy * complete ♥ Unforgetable ♡ Tantalizing ♡ Toe Curling Dream 60 roses spec - 25
(Lincoln, incall)
Open Minded, Fetish Friendly Babe to ROCK Your WORLD! - 19
(Grand Island, In town, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
*stunning *beautiful * so sexy check me out * no disappointments
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
Take A Walk On The Wild Side Tonight!! Mature Discrete Professional Massage. - 36
(Lincoln, Lincoln,NE)
♥♥UPSCALE COMPANION♥♥ Perfect ( . )( . ) ★ Alexis ★ 120 Flat Rates Today! 402 770 3090 - 23
(Lincoln, Lincoln & SURROUNDING Incall/Outcall)
👯OUTCALL ONLY_______eXqUiSiTe TaLenT and BeAuTy_____UnMaTcHeD sKillS HoT UNRUSHED SeSSiOns❌⭕❌ - 24
(Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska)
Monday 6/16/14! 💘4a.m.-6pm! 💘💘Aphrodite is Here 💘💘Pre-Booking Now!💘 - 23
(Lincoln, Incall Only Highlands Lincoln NE)
Monday specials!!! Cherish is back for a visit! Me And my friends! Don't miss me! - 25
(Lincoln, Lincoln, ne & surrounding areas)
Luscious** Latina* Lover** Here MON-SAT ONLY. **DONT MISS OUT!100% Puerto Rican Princess for U PAPI! - 23
(Lincoln, incall/outcall)
Laid back brown eyed girl! Special!!! 80/15min!!! Till 10pm only!! - 20
(Lincoln, Lincoln northwest)
FAITH❤ HOUR GLASS FIGURE 5'7" 125lbs ~Gorgeous BEDROOM Eyes ~~ SWEET BRUNETTE ❤ - - 28
(Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off! - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, 1)
@SeducTive SeXy SensuAl SweAty Satisfying SaTurday@@ - 30
(Lincoln, Lincoln. Crete & surrounding areas)
%%!!! BeAuTiFUL All NAtuRaL BlUE EyeD BlOnDe BaRbiE !!!%% 100% independant 100% real pics!!!!!! - 25
*oLiViA sPaRx aLl rEaL pIx * Sexy N Classy* Call 2 Book Now 4022021089 * - 20
(Lincoln, Lincoln,york surrounding area)
NO LONGER IN TOWN 〓〓〓【 ★ SpECiaLS ★】〓〓〓【 OUtCaLL】〓〓〓【★ SpECiaLS ★】〓〓〓 - 29
👉 N€W NEW🍭💗 ☆★💋 EXotic 🍬🍭Th!©K Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU neEd 💋💗 NaUght¥ & ®Eady 2 PLay 💜💕️👉 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha Council Bluffs Lincoln OUTCALLONLY)
Hey gentleman I'm new and ready to meet you tonight! specials today only! - 24
(Lincoln, South Lincoln)
► Double Trouble Exciting 2 Girl Amanda & Selena ◄ - 21
(Omaha*Airport*West Areas)
Beautiful 🌟 Star 🌟 Come See💦😘 Or I'll Come To You 💫💦 - 21
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
💗🦄✨Magically Delicious✨ BOMBSHELL💓✨1OO% REAL✨ busty CURVY Dominican MiXX💓✨ Highly Reviewed✨🦄💓 - 24 - 23
Ms.creamy new years specials🌟Dont MISS💖Ultimate experience💖Pleasure princess💖& EXTRA naughty💖 - 23
(Lincoln, Lincoln,ne/ ANY where u want me to be)